Have you ever noticed how some landlords in Orlando, Florida have few vacancies and always seem to be at full capacity?
Every landlord’s worst nightmare is a high vacancy and turnover rate. Both can cost you your income.
For this reason, it is advisable that once you have found your ideal tenant...
Tips and Tricks for Effective Weed Control
January 28, 2025, 4:21 pmThe following article is a guest post provided by Aparna Sunil from LocalLawn, an Orlando Lawn Services Company. We hope this article helps our property owners and tenants with their lawn care.
If there is something called easy weeding tips, then this is it. Tips and tricks for effective weed cont
...Having a rental property can be a very lucrative investment. As a landlord, you are responsible for keeping your property in a fit and habitable condition. Part of this includes maintaining a pest-free property. Pests can pose more than an inconvenience and vanity issue to your property; they can co...
A rental property is one of the smartest investments one can make. If you do your due diligence, it can be an exciting and rewarding experience.
That said, just like any other investment type, a real estate investment can prove to be a daunting experience, especially for newbies. Before investin...
How you price your Orlando rental home will usually have an impact on your bottom line. If you set a high price, you may have a difficult time renting out the property. And with an extended period of vacancy, it’ll mean more operational costs for you.
However, with lower rents, you may have an e...