Under the Florida Residential Landlord and Tenant Act, both the landlord and the renter have rights and responsibilities. Once these rights and responsibilities are properly understood, each party should be able to deal with many legal questions and problems without needing an attorney.
Below is an overview of the Florida landlord-tenant laws that we have compiled. For more help with your Orlando rental contact us today!
Florida Rental Laws on Landlord Retaliation
In Florida, landlords who try to go after tenants can be stopped and sued. Here are a couple of landlord actions that qualify as retaliatory acts. The Florida landlord:
- Attempts to intimidate or harass the tenant. For example, removing the renter’s possessions from the dwelling unit or changing the locks on the renters’ doors.
- Refuses to make needed repairs. It’s the landlord’s duty to ensure a habitable housing.
- Increases the tenant’s rent.
- Files to evict the renter.
- Limits tenant’s access to crucial services.
There are various things that a renter could do to trigger retaliation from the Florida landlord. For example, the tenant has:
- Complained to a local agency about the landlord’s failure to meet their obligations as stipulated under the Florida written lease or rental agreement.
- Pursued a right as granted under the lease or written rental agreement itself or under Florida’s landlord-tenant act.
- Pursued a right under the Federal Fair Housing Laws.
- Exercised their right as a renter under Section 83.682 of Florida’s landlord-tenant law.
- Joined a tenant’s union or other organization.
- Complained to the local housing department about an apparent safety, health or building violation at the property.
Landlord’s Right to Access Rental in Florida
Renters have a right to the quiet enjoyment of the homes. That is, landlords cannot snoop around a tenant’s apartment as they wish. Under Florida law, landlords can only enter a rented property in the following circumstances:
- To show the property to prospective tenants, purchasers or contractors.
- Pursuant to a court order.
- When the tenant has abandoned the property.
- In the event of an emergency.
- To conduct inspections and make requested repairs.
Unless it’s an emergency, the Florida tenant laws indicate that landlords must give tenants a 12-hours notice before entering the rental unit. In the notice, the landlord may specify when and why they wish to access the property. Moreover, the time of entry must be reasonable.
Eviction Laws in Florida
There are varieties of reasons for which a landlord can evict a tenant. For example, the tenant:
- Fails to pay rent
- Disturbs the peace
- Violates the rental agreement
- Causes damage to the property
- Keeps unauthorized pets in the property
To evict a tenant from the dwelling unit, the Florida landlord must follow the correct procedure as stipulated under the states Residential Law. The first step to beginning the Florida eviction process is by serving the tenant with a proper eviction notice.
There are two types of notices in Florida: a three-day and a seven-day notice.
A three-day eviction notice notifies the tenant that they have three days to either pay rent or vacate the rental unit. If they don’t, a landlord can file for their eviction in a small claims court. For other violations, such as having pets when none is allowed, the landlord can serve a seven-day notice.
Florida Tenant Rights to Withhold Rent
Florida tenants have a right to habitable dwelling. That is one that meets structural, health, and safety standards. If the landlord fails to maintain habitable dwelling, the tenant has, among other things, the right to withhold rental payments until needed repairs are made.
But before renters exercise this right, certain legal requirements must be met.
Required Landlord Disclosures in Florida
Florida requires landlords to make the following disclosures to tenants.
- The name and address of the landlord. This should be disclosed before the tenancy commences. It must be in writing.
- The landlord must make known in writing, within 30 days of receiving the security deposit, information on how the security deposit will be stored.
- According to (Fla. Stat. Ann. § 404.056), landlords must include this warning: “RADON GAS” in all leases.
- According to (Fla. Stat. Ann. § 83.50), landlords must inform new renters about the availability of fire protection in a building over three stories high.
Florida Fair Housing Rules
Discrimination based on a tenant’s color, race, national origin, familial status, sex, religion, or disability is against Florida law. Signs of landlord discrimination include:
- Being told one thing on the phone by a landlord but are told different terms, availability or pricing upon meeting the tenant.
- Being told there is a no pet policy, even if you have a service animal.
- Refusal by the landlord to provide handicapped parking.
- Having a prospective landlord tell you about background or criminal checks over and over.
- Being told that a different apartment might fit your situation better.
Florida Security Deposit Law
A security deposit is any money a landlord takes from a tenant other than the advance payment of rent. Within 30 days of receiving a security deposit, Florida landlords must disclose in writing:
- The rate and time of interest payments;
- The account depository’s name; and
- Where the funds are being stored.
Under Florida rental laws, there’s no statutory limit on how much a landlord can charge a tenant for a security deposit. When it comes to returning the tenant’s security deposit, landlords have between 15 and 60 days to return it.
Florida Rent Rules
There are certain disclosures about the rent that every tenant has the right to, under Florida’s landlord-tenant law. Here are the basic disclosures:
- Amount of rent – This is the dollar amount that is due during each rent period.
- When rent is due – The lease or rental agreement should state the exact day the periodic rent is due.
- Where rent will be paid – Are payments through the mail acceptable? Is there an office the tenant can bring the rent to? Will the landlord stop by the property each month?
- Forms of payment accepted as rent – For example, electronic funds deposit, money order, and so on.
In Conclusion
Understanding Florida’s landlord-tenant laws is crucial for both landlords and tenants to ensure fair and legal interactions. With proper knowledge of rights and responsibilities, many issues can be avoided or resolved without legal intervention. For further assistance with your Orlando rental properties, feel free to reach out to State Property Management for expert guidance and support.
Disclaimer: This overview of landlord-tenant laws in Florida is only meant to be informational. For specific legal advice, please consult an experienced Florida lawyer.