Are you looking to provide rental upkeep during the coronavirus crisis?
As a property owner, there's no doubt that the COVID-19 pandemic will affect your business. One of the major challenges you may face is attending to the maintenance and repair demands from your tenants.
While servicing your rental units is an important task, you need to consider your tenants' health and safety in the process.
In this article, we'll provide tips and suggestions that will be useful in keeping you and your tenants safe during the COVID-19 outbreak.
For the latest updates and guidelines, check with the CDC and other health authorities.
Stock Up on Essential Supplies
Having extra stock of protective supplies such as gloves and hand sanitizer is a good idea. Your maintenance tasks are going to require more supplies than before because there's more risk involved. Having essentials will help keep you safe as you maintain your properties.
However, be sure be to be considerate of other people's needs as well. Don't excessively buy products.
You should have extra stock of the following products:
- EPA-registered disinfectants. Make sure you have enough disinfectants that are effective against SARS-CoV-2. Your best approach is to use the EPA's official site and see whether your product is effective enough.
- Gloves. There has been a surge in the demand for safety gloves, so you want to make sure you have extra stock without going overboard. As you conduct maintenance procedures, they will be very important for you. It's reasonable to have one extra box of gloves at all times.
- Hand sanitizers. You may face a rental emergency situation that involves the lack of running water. Since you would be unable to wash your hands, having proper hand sanitizer is fundamental for everyone's safety. Make sure it contains at least 60% alcohol.
Take Safety Precautions Seriously
You have to follow all the safety guidelines when you are entering a tenant's home for upkeep and repairs.
Although there is a lot we don't know about the novel coronavirus, we do know that disinfecting and cleaning have been helpful in limiting its spread. That's why it's your duty to take appropriate measures whenever visiting your renters.
Always disinfect and clean high-touched work surfaces. Be attentive and make sure to disinfect everything that you have used for servicing the property.
Here are some examples of high-risk surfaces:
- Remote controls
- Tables
- Doorknobs
- Touchscreens
- Keyboards
- Toilets and sinks
You should also use disposable gloves. Discard your gloves after finishing a task or entering a new property. Finally, frequently wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
You should constantly wash your hands, but more so when you:
- Use the restroom
- Cough, sneeze, or blow your nose
- Have direct contact with pets
- Made contact with another person
Establish a High-Quality Tenant Communication Plan
Having good communication with your tenants is always important, but during the COVID-19 pandemic, its role is even more crucial.
When you reach out to your renters regularly, they will feel appreciated and valued. It will create a good landlord-tenant relationship.
Establish an "Open Door" policy, if you haven't already done so. Make it known to your tenants that they can message, call, or email you whenever they have a request. Tell them that you'll get back to them as soon as possible.
Additionally, some renters may be concerned about emergency responses during the COVID-19 pandemic. Reassure them that you'll quickly respond to all emergency situations such as gas leaks, fires, or flooding.
Reach out to your tenants and explain that their safety, health, and well-being is your number one priority. Explain the various safety protocols that you have put in place in order to ensure their safety when you enter their unit.
Reflect on the Current Circumstances
This is a unique time, so you will have to adapt accordingly
Here are some of the considerations that should be made:
With the Covid-19 pandemic, laws are being modified. It's important to stay up to date with these changes and make adjustments to the lease agreement if necessary.
Non-essential repairs and maintenance need reconsideration on your part. If the request isn't putting the tenant or the property in danger, you shouldn't attend to it during this time.
You may be able to assist a tenant on the phone instead of being physically present in their home. If they have a repair request, try to talk them through it over the phone.
More children and parents are staying at home. If you must go to the renter's unit, be extra mindful. For instance, potentially hazardous tools and supplies must be kept away from children. Also, you want to minimize the amount of noise you make and leave the rental unit as quickly as possible after finishing up.
How a Property Management Company can Help You
Are you self-managing your rental properties? Owning properties is stressful and challenging. Now, with the COVID-19 outbreak, there is added pressure on you to comply with the new laws and safety measures.
That's why we want to help. State Property Managementcan reduce your worries. Our professional property managers will preserve the value of your rental investment and ensure your tenants remain safe from COVID-19.
Contact us for more information.